Kicking off 2024 lunch and learn with cross-generational collaboration workshop! Come join our group of business professionals for in our monthly luncheons with Eagle Chamber! Door prizes, good food and conversations!
Got 8 weeks to 10X your business? Discover the exact strategies I utilized to achieve a groundbreaking million-dollar sales year ? let me guide you towards your own success.
Wondering is Ambassadorship is right for you at this time? Come find out! Chamber Ambassadors are vital volunteer leaders who assist us in growing and retaining membership. This Ambassador 101 will go over all the fun details.
Coffee hour is a great way to chat with fellow business folks. There is no formal agenda. Just getting to know one another and share fun stories, while making friends and contacts. Pop on in, even if just for a few minutes to grab that coffee!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Eagle Chamber of Commerce for more information.
148 N. 2nd St., Ste. 101, Eagle, ID 83616 – (208) 939-4222 –